So we made an appointment for Stoli to get spayed this past Friday. Well... We took her in at 8 am and had a quick check up on her because she had puked in her kennel a few times this week--- Verdict is... acid reflux. We changed her treats about a week ago and I think that has something to do with it... But they gave us some meds to give to her at bedtime to see if that will help. Ugh. Well onto the next fun news. So, when we went I was half asleep and they handed me the paperwork to fill out. One of the papers was about "blood work" so me and my half asleep self didn't really get "clarification" or really "read" the paper and opted to get the bloodwork done. I thought that it came with the price quote they gave me for the spay. I WAS WRONG!!! I might be able to laugh about it in a minute... but when I got the call that Stoli was out of surgery and doing fine and also the "total" bill I about DIED! We were quoted $150 and yes I paid $275. I have learned my lesson and the papers they have you fill out and talk about "blood work" is NOT included. I just got up-sold and didn't even know it!
After we dropped Stoli off at the Vet we came home and I got ready and left for work. On my way to work I checked my Facebook-- Oh iPhone how I love thee. When I checked my Facebook I found out that my Dad and oldest brother were on their way down from Coeur D' Alene! What a surprise! First thought that came to mind... I am SOOO glad I had my OCD cleaning spree earlier this week! I called my Dad and found out what time they would be in Utah and asked if they wanted to stay the night at our house that night so we could actually get to spend time with them because I work all weekend every weekend. The answer was yes! I called Tim and asked him to do a quick clean-up of the house and what not. I came home on my lunch to help him- and opened up the door to the kitchen cleaned, carpets vaccuamed, laundry going, and floors swept! What a wonderful caring husband I have!
Tim went and picked up our pup. She is normally spazzed out and what a shock it was to see her after surgery! When my Dad and bro got to the house she just curled up and was totally doped up. I don't like to see my dog like that but what a nice change for a minute! She is pretty much back to her normal self today-- not 100% but doing good.
Well thats all for now