So we are moved in! I think everytime I move it turns into a pretty intense story... So here is this moving story ended with me in the emergency room!!! EEK!
Tim and I took a truck load over to the new place and I stayed and started unpacking- Tim went back to the old apartment to meet up with a friend and get the rest of the furniture. Earlier that day we bought AirWick plug ins- so I plugged one in and plugged the radio into the other outlet. Really not thinking anything of it! Well I should have thought differently! All I remember is fire coming from the outlet and me QUICKLY pulling the cord out! As I was freaking out I looked down and it caught the box sitting next to the outlet on fire so I quickly blew that out and looked down at my hand it was BLACK!!! I freaked out even more and ran to the sink and ran it under cold water and called Tim in hysterics and told him to get home ASAP! Tim has never heard me cry so hard. I called my Mom she did the Mom thing and calmed me down. Tim got back to the apartment about a half hour later with his friend- they dropped the furniture off in the garage, I grabbed the first thing I saw that I could put cold water in (P.S. thanks Betty for the measuring cups--- they came in handy!) and we were on our way to the ER. We walked in and were checked out by the Dr. and was told I had second almost third degree burns on my index finger and thumb. I am SOOOOOO thankful it was only that! It could have been FIVE THOUSAND times worse.
So there is cliff note version of our moving story! Honestly sometimes I can't believe my luck....BLAH
Much love to you all :)
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