Sunday, November 2, 2008

will it ever stop? no, I don't know....

Honestly when you think you think things are on the up and up you get a new hand dealt. I got a call from my Mom on Saturday saying that my Dad had called my brother Anthony and said he felt like he was having a heart attack. Anthony rushed over to my Dads house picked him up and took him to the ER. He went straight into surgery and the doctor put two stents in his heart. He was at the peak of the heart attack when he went to the hospital. The doctor said he had 100% blockage. My Mom and two brothers were there at the hospital for him. I got a call saying he made it out of surgery and was doing just fine, he had good color to his skin and was flirting with the nurses. Thats my Dad I tell ya!

Well thats not the end of the story. Sunday morning I get a call from my sister saying Dad was in bad shape. She said the nurse had called my brother Anthony and told him my Dad was going through V- Tach the whole night. So I called the hospital and talked to the nurse and she said he was doing horrible and I should think about flying to Idaho. This put me into immediate hysterics and I was laying in a fetal position crying my heart out. I don't know what I would do with out my Dad right now. Well Anthony got to the hospital and went into see my Dad and his room was dark and his eyes were closed. Poor Anth thought my Dad had passed away-- so he went to the nurse and said what is going on with my Dad?? The nurses eyes became HUGE and her face turned white. She realized she had called the wrong family. Anthony turned around my Dad was awake and was ordering breakfast! Needless to say my Dad is just fine. He is going home from the hospital today and is coming down to Utah on Friday.

much love and hugs to ya dad!!!


Anonymous said...

That is ridiculous that they called the wrong family! What an unnecessary mistake! That kind of ticks me off! I'm so glad that your dad is doing well. I was so worried about you guys when I heard. Wish him well. I guess this is just a lesson to show you how important family is no matter how old you are or how far away you live! I'm so glad everything worked out well!
The wedding count down is on isn't it?! Love you!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! oh my heart is going out to you. i am SO glad things are better and that you're dad will be here for your Wedding Day. oh girl, my prayers are with you.


Hey Andrea,
sorry to hear about your dad. That is crushing. I really hate even the thought of something bad happening to my parents, but I know the clock is ticking and I'll one day have to face it. Well, I'm just glad that things aren't worse. That's so horrible that the nurse got things mixed up, only to cause you unecessary torment and anguish. I can't imagine. But what a relief to find out things were okay.
Love you Ans!

Unknown said...

I’m so glad that he is ok!!.. what a nightmare experience.