Tuesday, September 30, 2008

picture tag

So we were picture tagged!! I guess how it goes is.... You go to your picture file... choose the 4th file and the 4th picture in it, explain about it... post it... and tag others.... so here it goes!!

This is a picture of Tim when he was in Afghanistan. This was the trip that was suppose to take one to two months that ended up taking three months!! He could tell more about this picture but he is out of town working again. What I can say about this pic is... Is now looking back the trip was a blessing in disguise. Before he left I had not had the chance to meet his parents but during that time I got to get to know them over the phone. Tim would call me and give me updates on what was going on then I would call his parents (in Florida) and fill them in. As I said before it was a true blessing in disguise. About a month after Tim came home his Mom became really ill and she passed away on August 22nd. We were both able to go back and see her before she passed away. She was an amazing lady, and I am SO SO thankful for the short time I was able to get to know her. This blog didn't have much to do with the "picture" but it was all about my feelings when I look back at it.

Ok... So I guess.... I tag Jami, Chelsea, and Jen.

Much love to ya all :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

so ...

We got our pics back!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


So.... I usually don't do things like this...... BUT..... I have a really good friend that entered a contest for a radio station called baby bumps.... WELL... SHE NEEDS YOUR VOTE! You have to vote by NOON on Friday September 26 for the vote to count. PLEASE put your vote in for her!

She is #56 ... and the link is http://www.971zht.com/pages/babywatch/

It gives you instructions on how to vote....

Thanks... and much love to you all :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

engagement pictures...

We had our engagement pics today. We ended up not going to Bear Lake. We still took the majority of the pictures at the train station. There was this really cool place behind it that had a bunch of old cars... Then we went up into the canyon and took some other pics near a stream and on a rickety bridge. I can't wait to get them back!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


OK so some of our friends have asked for details on the proposal and what not so here it goes....

So Tim left for Afghanistan for a three month long trip and got back in July. I got a call from him on his 36 hour long trek back home to the states and we decided on a date. Well we debated between two dates... 8/8/08 and 11/11/08. We wanted 8/8/08 because my birthday is 6/6/80 and his is 7/7/77 so we thought it would be cool to get married on that date... Well considering that would only give us about a month to plan the wedding we decided against and go with 11/11. Many ask why 11/11... well whenever we see 11:11 we always say lucky time make a wish. Then I was talking to a friend that follows numerology and she said that is a strong date (not that I follow... just find that interesting)

Tim got home on July 5 and we kind of ran across my ring on a website. I know pretty random. Well he bought it and FedEx delivered it on the 10th. Now this is the funny story- He got the confirmation emailed to him and said that it would be to apartment before 3 pm. I think I called Tim 20 times that day asking him if the ring had been dropped off yet. The answer I kept getting was no, no, no, no. Then I the LAST answer I got was "I am going to hide the ring and give it to you when I am ready" I kinda had to laugh it off and say no biggie.... So on my way home from work I called my sister and told her and her response was "Andrea you need to let him propose to you... let it be special" So I got off the phone... and as I pulled into the apartment (around 4:30) I noticed a big white truck with purple and green letters on the side... hmmm FedEx? YES! So as the driver was walking back to the truck I sat in my car wondering... should I wait for a minute and pretend I didn't see the truck? Or should I just go for it and walk up the stairs. Well I chose option B. As I opened up the door slowly Tim came running to the door holding my ring in his hand saying "baby we got it" My eyes were HUGE and I won't lie I was in shock... then he said "do I need to get down on one knee?" and of course my answer was YES!

So there is the proposal. In the doorway of our apartment.

Friday, September 12, 2008


So we are now official bloggers! We are excited to join the "blogging" world- Or should I say "I am excited" I don't know exactly how excited Tim is about it.. haha... We have a lot going with the Wedding plans and now we will be able to keep everyone informed of all the fun plans and changes with that. We are taking our engagement pictures this upcoming Saturday. We are planning on taking them at Bear Lake- it is going to be beautiful. Our photographer told me about a great location that will have sail boats the dock and the lake as our background. I can't wait! She also is taking us to a location that has been renovated and looks like an old train station. So we will have the pictures back in about three weeks. Can't wait to take them, get them back, and post them! Well I am out for now!